When being diagnosed with diabetes, being overweight invites other complications to develop. The best way to avoid this is by maintaining a healthy weight and cultivating a balanced lifestyle. Having diabetes can definitely be difficult to treat without proper guidance. I highly suggest working closely with a trusted healthcare professional to address your condition in the proper way.

Studies have shown that losing about 10-15 pounds can help…
Lower blood sugar
Lower blood pressure
Improve cholesterol levels
Minimize stress on your hips, knees, ankles, and feet
Increase energy levels
Improve your mood
Now, let’s discuss a few ways to promote weight loss and keep your blood sugar levels down…
Get back to the basics Do not overcomplicate being healthy. Simply, get your body moving at least 30 minutes daily, focus on fruits and vegetables, and be mindful of portion control. A combination of all of these things will set you up for success.

Mindful eating Becoming more mindful of the foods you are eating can easily help you progress with your wellness goals. Emotional eating can hinder your weight loss efforts almost instantly if not monitored. That is why approaching every meal or snack with mindfulness can help you make better food choices.
Aerobic exercise Each type of exercise affects your blood sugar levels differently. Aerobic exercise, meaning it has low to high intensity and is considered a cardiovascular conditioning method. Exercises like walking, stair climbing, swimming, jogging, or biking are all great aerobic exercises and instantly lower your blood sugar levels.

On the other side of the spectrum, some may experience unexplained weight loss as a symptom of diabetes. This is due to the fact that insulin, the hormone that allows your body to use glucose for energy, begins to not operate optimally. Having type 2 diabetes means that your body cannot use insulin effectively, which means the glucose can’t transport to your cells for energy. When this happens, your body begins to think it is starving and tries to find a way to compensate. This is when the body starts creating energy by burning fat and muscle at a rapid pace.
If you are experiencing this, the best approach is to look at your body as a whole. At times, this weight loss can be a sign of other health issues that you are unaware of. I recommend discussing your possible treatment options and exploring natural methods as well with your physician.