‘Tis the season to eat sugar! This time of year is notorious for causing the overconsumption of sugar. However, the consequences of this can be very serious for many people who have or are at risk for developing diabetes. Diabetes seems to be occurring to everyone— most people know a friend or family member who has developed it. And the statistics of diabetes are devastating—over the next 24 hours, 2200 people will be diagnosed with diabetes, 512 diabetics will die, 66 diabetics will go blind, 77 diabetics will be diagnosed with end-stage renal disease, and 153 diabetics will require an amputation. If that doesn’t catch your attention this will, 24 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes and 47 million Americans with pre-diabetes. The Center for Disease Control states that if things don’t change, one out of every three born today will become diabetic, and that half of all Americans will be diabetic by 2050.

There are several types of diabetes: gestational, whereby a woman becomes diabetic during her pregnancy; Type 1, which occurs both in children and adults due to an auto-immune disease destroying cells in the pancreas; and, Type 2, which is the most common form, occurring in 90-95% of diabetic patients, including pediatric patients. The latter Type 2 is related to insulin resistance, which basically means that the pancreas is producing insulin but the body cells are no longer sensitive to it, so the glucose levels in the blood will remain high.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by numerous factors, most of them which are controllable. These controllable factors include: poor diet, over-eating, nutritional deficiencies, high refined grains and sugars consumption, high saturated fat consumption, lack of exercise, and being overweight/obese. Along, with that environmental toxins and hormonal imbalances are also noted for initiating insulin resistance.

The most vital thing here is that diabetic patients need to welcome many changes into their lives, and naturopathic physicians are excellent at instructing and supporting them in the process. Things that will need to change for diabetic patients are food intake to a high fiber diet and be taught how to get good protein variety in their diet. Also, knowing what kinds of oils are healthy and how to include vegetables and a little fruit in their dietary regimen is very important. Along with that patients are encouraged to get exercise five days a week. Patients will be given various supplements, which are invaluable. They work synergistically with the other aspects of the comprehensive protocol to replace deficient nutrients; help lower their glucose levels and decrease their insulin resistance; reduce inflammation, lipids, and blood pressure; and protect them from diabetic-induced damage.
Patients may at times need to continue on standard prescriptive medication, may need to start medications, or commonly, due to naturopathic care, may be able to reduce or stop medications. All in all, naturopathic protocols for diabetes are detailed, safe, and responsible. Patients can lose weight, gain significant energy, and reduce their glucose numbers, lipid values, and blood pressure. They can at times see their damaged nerves and kidneys recover fully functioning, and those without such damage will have protection from further damage. Naturopathic treatment of diabetes can be incredibly effective and naturopathic physicians should be the first type of doctor a diabetic patient seeks out for long-term care.
If you or a loved one currently has diabetes or is at risk for developing diabetes, we can help. Schedule a consultation with one of our team members for more information. Click here to schedule now!
5 Natural Ways To Control Blood Sugar

1. Eat a healthy diet - Fruits and veggies, beans, and whole grains while including healthy fats.
2. Exercise Regularly - Get your heart rate up. Exercise 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Exercising causes the muscles to pull sugar from the blood for fuel.
3. Maintain a Healthy Weight - If you are overweight, discuss weight loss with your doctor. Also, losing 5% of your total body weight can help you control your blood sugar.
4. Avoid Alcohol - Drinking Alcohol causes fluctuations in blood sugar. Drink in moderation.
5. Manage Stress - When you are feeling stressed your body responds by producing hormones that can cause insulin levels to rise. Learn to relax more.