Type 2 diabetes is condition that millions of people face worldwide! A lot of times, many people are unaware that they even has this condition and if unmanaged it can lead to serious health complications. If you see your healthcare physician annually, it can be easy to monitor this and make changes as necessary. Before being diagnosed with diabetes, your blood sugar levels may be slightly higher than normal. This is called prediabetes. While, prediabetes can develop into diabetes, it is not unavoidable. There are many ways to lower your risk of getting developing diabetes, which is what we will be discussing today.

Exercise Regular exercise can help prevent diabates, especially if you are diagnosed with prediabetes. If this is the case, it may be likely you have reduced insulin sensitivity. This happens when the pancreas has to make more insulin to get sugar out of your blood and into your cells. Exercise actually increases the sensitivity of your cells, meaning that there is less insulin needed to manage your blood sugar levels. All physcial activity is great, however there are a few that specifically reduce insulin resistance and blood sugar levels. This includes aerobic exercise, high intensity interval training (HIIT), and strength training.
Drink lots water Sugar beverages are not a good idea when trying to avoid developing diabetes. Studies actually shown that people who drink over 2 servings of sugary beverages daily, 20% increased risk of type 2 diabetes. There was another case study with 1 serving of a sugary drink per day increased their risk by 18%. With that being said, it is best to stick with water. For extra health benefits and taste try adding limes or lemons to your water.

Maintain a healthy weight Being overweight may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. More specifically, excess weigh in your midsection and around your abdominal organs are associated with insulin resistance, inflammation, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes. Losing as little as 5-7% of body fat, can help lower your risk of diabetes.
Portion control Eating too much food in one sitting has been shown to cause high blood sugar and affect insulin levels in people at risk of diabetes. Eating smaller portions can help with weight loss and in turn reduce your risk. A great way to start is to make sure half of your plate is full of vegetables, a quarter of lean protein, and a quarter of complex carbs.
Cut back on sedentary behaviors Observational studies show a clear link between sedentary behaviors and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. If sitting down most of the day is in your routine, it is best to increase your physcial activity as much as possible. This may be difficult if this is what your job consists of, however changes can be extremely easy to incorporate. For example, standing up from your desk and walking around every half an hour for a few minutes. Or taking the steps instead of the elevator. Furthermore, you can parking a little further from your destination to increase your steps. Plus, if you have a smart watch, tracking your steps can be a great idea to track your new habit as well